Multi-talented fast rising American artist Zye Ca$h, has been dazzling us for a few years now with a series of impressive releases, and his latest release is no different.The newly released single “love someone” saw Zye Ca$h, in his element, as he showcased his great music prowess like never before.When you listen to this song for the first time, the intro gives you a very good feel of the rest.
Be that as it may, Zye Ca$h’s latest single ‘love someone’ is doing well already. It is a well-deserved success for an artist who has worked hard for the better part of his music career.The ability to evolve artistically is critical for success and sustainability in the music industry, and Ashlee Keyton is aware of this.
In this exclusive Interview, we caught up with Zye Ca$h who fielded questions about his journey into music, his latest single, and his personality in general.Check out the interview below and be sure to stream “I won’t Ever Call You” afterwards.

SM: Hi Zye, glad to have you join us for this interview. Could you please introduce yourself and how you got into music?
ZC: Hey! I am a singer/songwriter from Virginia. I’ve been doing music full-time for the last 3 years but recently started to focus on releasing my own. I’ve always enjoyed the idea of taking a blank canvas (Instrumental) and creating something straight from my heart. Music, for the most part, has been more of an outlet/therapy for me than a career.
SM: What have been some of the most memorable moments in your career so far, and what is one that stands out to you most in particular?
ZC: I have had some videos on tiktok go viral but I’ll never forget when my remix to LilWayne “Lollipop” reached right around 1 million views. I am a huge Lil Wayne fan so it was really cool to take someone’s song that I see as a legend and create a remix many people loved. My first performance was also very memorable.
I am a huge fan of Colt Ford and got to open for him. The performance went beyond my expectations but my favorite part was interacting with all the people after. I had people telling me how impacted they were and even in tears. It was also my first experience signing autographs and even people’s bodies!

SM: What was the making process for your new single “Love Someone” like for you?
ZC: I actually created the chorus for this song about 6 months before I wrote the verses. One of my best friends Dustin came over to my house and helped me write the verses. Once we recorded, I sent it out to my producer Bmanley in Nashville. Soon after we released it and I’m so grateful we did!
SM: How do you manage to balance being an artist with being a single father?
ZC: It is very difficult. Financially it can be tough because having music as a career in the early stages can be costly without much reward. I have found ways to make money including on TikTok so it has made things a lot easier. Outside of that though, my daughter is my biggest inspiration. I want to show her that if daddy can do it, she can reach any dream she would choose!
SM: Tell me about the song “Love Someone” and what it means to you.
ZC: I was in a low place feeling very lonely and decided to make a song about love because that is what I want more than anything. Music has always been my way to get through difficult times including depression. I was honestly so depressed, not just because I was lonely, and needed to write my way out of it. I thought that if I write about being hopeful about love, maybe it could give me the hope I actually needed at the time.

SM: What are the core values of Zye’s brand as an artiste?
ZC: Fatherhood, Faith, and Family. I also want to make an impact on my community as well as others. I want a platform to influence people to spread love.
If you aren’t in the studio recording where else can you be found in your leisure time?
ZC: I work with my band leader and friend Dustin doing Home Renovation work. I really enjoy carpentry and painting. Outside of that, I’m always trying to find new, fun things to do with my daughter. We are constantly on the move and have an amazing time together.