Exclusive Interview With Kadence


After successfully releasing his debut single “Broken,” fast rising pop-dance singer-songwriter Kadence, made it to our exclusive Interview.On this exclusive Interview the musically talented singer Kadence, shared important things worthy of note about his music career, lifestyle and his personality in general.

Be that as it may, Kadence began his music career at a very tender age. He graduated from New York highschool for performing arts with a major in dance.In the late 90s, Kadence joined two different local New York boy bands.Interestingly, Kadence, went solo, afterwards performing at prestigious R&B night clubs including the legendary Blue Angel before taking some time off to start a family.

Kadence, on his speedy rise is an artist that you all need to Watch out for as he is ready to take over the music industry with his great music proweess.Check out the interview below and be sure to stream “BROKEN beneath.


Growing up as a kid, how did your environment help in shaping your personality?

I had a pretty difficult childhood. My parents divorced and we moved so many times. My childhood taught me to provide for myself, to be self-motivated and not to focus on the negative aspects of life. “Sign Me Up” is very nice judging from the lyrics, beat and vocals.

What’s the inspiration behind this wonderful song “Broken”?

Summer-fun.Being able to return to socialization again post-covid 19 pandemic.Getting back to going out with friends and having a great night out.You graduated from New York high school for performing arts.

How has the knowledge that you acquired during your school days helped in building your career?

I am trained in voice, dance, musical theater and drama. Having such broad preparation for a stage career has placed an unconscious strength within for all aspects of performance.

As an independent upcoming artist, what would you like to accomplish in the next 5- 10 years?

I would love to have the opportunity to write, produce and perform music full-time.

Have you always had interest in music from childhood? Was there a particular song/performance that made you say “I must go into music”?

I have always loved music. I was given my first opportunity to sing on stage when I was sixteen years old and it was exhilarating and life-changing.

What inspires your music composition? Do you draw inspiration from poems, TV, or other media?

I think all the above provide inspiration. Life in general, people and messages I am eager to share play an important role as well.

Do you have any singles, EP or album slated to be released anytime soon?

My next single “You’ve Changed The Way I Feel” will be released on July 9, 2021.I will follow this one up in August with my fourth release “No Turning Back.”

When was the last time you performed in front of a huge audience and what was the experience like?

Performing in front of a large audience produces and incredible energy and has a great impact on my performance.Smaller crowds provide a beautiful energy as well, it is just more concentrated, and I naturally do not project as much. It’s been several years since my last large crowd. These past few years have been more intimate settings.

What are your interests outside of music?

I am a dad (I have four children), I love art, the beach, shopping, clothes, eating at different restaurants and helping the homeless and less fortunate

What has been the most challenging aspect of your career and how where you able to handle it?

Balancing work, parenting and performing. I just take it one day at a time and give my strict attention to whatever I am doing in the present. It’s not good when one’s head is all over the place. In such times nothing being worked on gets the effort it deserves, inevitably hindering its greatest potential.

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