Entertainment’s Gabrielle Alexandra Teaches Malcolm X to Nation’s Capitol Afterschool Students


Madam Gabrielle Alexandra who is the Youngest Board Member and Director of Media & Publicity in the Nation’s Capitol, created a star-studded curriculum about Malcolm X’s popular speech, the Ballot or the Bullet. X’s speech was performed on April 3, 1964. He created the speech to cautioned that if the government continued to prevent African Americans from attaining full equality, it might be necessary for them to take up arms.

Madam Smith conducted and taught her curriculum to high school students at the Afterschool Virtual Program at the Amy Jacques Garvey Institute. 

Spinex: Explain the purpose of your lecture/ masterclass.

Madam: The purpose of my lecture was to enrich Young Washingtonians about the late Civil Rights Leader, Malcolm X. He is not violent, he just wanted equality.

Spinex: This is how it stood to be. We love what you are doing for Nollywood.

Madam Gabrielle Alexandra Smith was asked to teach her lecture/ masterclass on Malcolm to other programs, in and out of the state.  
“The students were puzzled and baffled at the truth. I taught them the excuses of why they kept blacks and poor whites from voting. I implemented a quiz at the end. 
I told them this is not taught in your school. So listen. They ended up listening.

Spinex: You told them the truth about it not being taught in their school system?

Madam: Yes.
Spinex: You are so fearless. 

Madam: I only fear God who is real.

Entertainment’s Gabrielle Alexandra Teaches Malcolm X to Nation’s Capitol Afterschool Students
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